Stoughton Area EMS, serving Stoughton and surrounding communities since June 1st, 1976

Change your life by changing the lives of others!

Stoughton EMS now has a new billing agency, their address is;


P.O. Box 547, Wheeling IL 60090

Stoughton Area EMS, is a municipal pre-hospital emergency medical care service, providing 911 response. We are owned by the City of Stoughton, serving all of the city’s residents, including designated areas in surrounding towns and those emergencies occurring within our jurisdictional boundaries. Our service population of 18,746 includes the City of Stoughton (100%), Towns of Dunkirk (100%), Dunn (33.3%), Pleasant Springs (59.5%) and Rutland (30%). In addition, we provide assistance to non-jurisdictional areas through Dane County Mutual Aid Agreements and the Mutual Aid Box Alarm System (MABAS 115).

The operations of Stoughton Area EMS include a full-time EMS Director, a full-time EMS Operations Support Specialist, and 42 volunteers. 

EMTs are licensed by the State of Wisconsin and operate under the authority of our Medical Director,

Dr. Abigail Dahlberg.